Friday, March 9, 2012

EDLD 5364 Week 2 Reflection

The effectiveness of technology on learning can be argued from every side with validity to every point, both positive and negative. Even one of the most frequently asked question, “Is it worth the price?” can be answered with a very firm “yes” and an equally firm “no.” If we were to ask the parent of an average student with an average IQ who has a good work ethic and enjoys the self-esteem boost that good grades bring and who has access to the internet at home, the answer might be “no.” That student may not benefit a great deal from many of the opportunities available other than making research material more readily available and convenient. However, the parent of a dyslexic child might disagree. Something as simple as the text-to-speech tool available in Word can make the difference in their child struggling in school and taking so much time to complete a homework assignment that school becomes a dreaded chore that consumes the child’s every waking moment and their child being able to complete an assignment in a reasonable amount of time and having time to enjoy life. Those of us that don’t have a disability can never really appreciate the impact that technology can have on the quality of life of some individuals.

Children who grow up in poverty already have a great many strikes against them. Making technology available in the classroom may be the best chance many low socioeconomic status children have to even the playing field, thus giving them a better chance for a successful future. Children with disabilities, low IQs, high IQs, gifted children, those who are curious or even shy can benefit from a computer and the many available programs and applications on the Web. I suppose you could say that technology has something for everyone, regardless of age, intelligence, or ability…there’s even something for that average, middle of the road student I first mentioned.

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